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Art, here the best pleasure...

Every man`s work, whether it be literature or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself.Samuel Butler

I want to share that to me delivers pleasure and from what to me always at heart it becomes good:

  1. Reading books (especially I love a fantasy, adventures, novels and fairy tales). when I read, I as though am dipped into that world in which there live heroes of the book. I worry and lead the same life (I like to dream).

  2. Viewing of favourite musicals, movies, animated films and old fairy tales. All this inspires me, weakens and learns much new and interesting.

  3. Walks under the moon with darling (sometimes I like to walk one). I am the incorrigible romantic. The nature brings a pacification, tranquillity and serenity.

  4. Animals, especially cats and rabbits. I simply adore watching them.

  5. And certainly, art (painting, music, architecture... ).

Art is the most intense form of individualism that the world has known.Oscar Wilde


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